

Take a deep breath ~ finding your best colors doesn’t have to be confusing or intimidating.

At Colors With Kate, we’ll break through the noise together and find the colors that best compliment your unique features. I’ll provide you with the tools (not rules!) to use color to improve your confidence and your wardrobe - without expecting you to start from scratch, to break the bank, or to wear colors that don’t actually speak to you or your style.

Find your colors, find your confidence

What makes Colors With Kate Different?


    Color Analysis is a life-long investment, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. I offer a variety of in-person color analysis services (the most reliable type!) at an affordable price point using an a-la-carte service model, meaning you only pay for what makes sense for you and your lifestyle.


    Color lives on a spectrum, and so do people. While seasonal color analysis is an excellent framework to help us find our best colors, everyone is unique, and nothing is truly one-size-fits all. I use a flexible method of draping that prioritizes exploring your unique coloring and will provide you with a personalized interpretation of your color season.


    Color Analysis doesn’t work if you’re not sure how to apply it in real life. I spend a lot of your appointment time focused on helping you to train your own eye, so that you can be your own color expert, even long after your session is over! I’ll also provide you with tips, tricks, and guides to support you every step of the way.

1-on-1 Appointments


Small Groups


Parties & Events


1-on-1 Appointments • Small Groups • Parties & Events •